Single Kettlebell Upper Body Workouts

Single Kettlebell Upper Body Workouts

Using a single kettlebell for an upper body workout is a great way to maximize your workout with limited equipment. You can use a single kettlebell for an upper body workout by doing exercises that alternate each side of your body (a.k.a. unilateral exercises). There are also plenty of exercises that you can use both sides of your body at the same time with the singe kettlebell and still get great results (a.k.a. bilateral exercises). Single kettlebell upper body workouts can provide more athletic movements that are great for building foundational strength, speed, and power with your workouts. You can use single kettlebell upper body workouts as a way to change up your routine or to get a quick home workout. If you're looking for the perfect single kettlebell upper body workout, you've come to the right place.